"JRG" <jrg### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message
> The predefined textures in woods.inc and textures.inc use the procedural
> pattern -wood- which consists of concentric cylinders centred on the
> This means that if you want to see parallel veins you have to rotate it
> properly. Try rotating the texture by 90 degrees in one direction (try for
> example rotate 90*x). If it doesn't work, change the direction.
I always use 80 degrees or so to offset the lines at an angle, one or more
directions from straight.
If you want individual boards, or the look of them, you'll need to use a
texture_map which doesn't blend. Look up texture_map in the Help and you
should be able to figure that out if you don't know already.
A bit of randomness of orientation of the texture will further break up the
wood grains.
Bob H.
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