> I think there are several reasons why it's not included, first it does not
> cover the new mapping warps - the only change made to warps in 3.5.
> Second there are many other tutorials around of similar kind and it's not
> possible to include them all in the basic Povray distribution (which is
> already quite large with 7.5 Mb).
I understand the reasons behind the choice, but it's a real pity.
Perhaps dividing the docs into two or more parts (one of which included in
the main POV download) could be a solution? Think for example to a separate
Advanced Tutorials doc (chm for the windows platform) file including yours
radiosity and warps tutorials, the povscript raytracer and others.
By the way, on your site you mention that the radiosity tutorial was made
with MegaPOV, has the radiosity tutorial included in the 3.5 docs been
updated or at least tested with POV 3.5?
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