Skiba <abx### [at] babilonorg> wrote:
>> Personally I think such a list would not be a good idea because out of ten
>> people who read it one will end up making assumptions and send suggestions
>> or complaints to the team. This would flood the team with (useless)
>> suggestions how to fix or change this and that from people who don't know
>> the usually very complex technical details.
> I thought about list with note "no discussion about it, there are more
> important things to do ;-)".
If it would only work. Unfortunately no matter how one writes it, the more
information is given the more people will jump to conclusions. It seems it
is only getting worse because everybody who can "write" a 'hello world' in
Visual Basic thinks he/she is a programmer these days!
> This could stop some testers to send
> "this still not works" after every beta version.
Yes, this is a problem.
The team has said numerous times that only those bugs we lists as fixed in
the revision.txt/changes.txt have actually been fixed. Of course a few
people don't read those before posting again also we kindly ask them to read
the release notes and bug reports in this group first.
On the other hand, I wonder if a list of outstanding bugs would help those
people as they wouldn't read it either ;-)
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trfde
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