"Mike Williams" wrote:
> thus including the kerning of the current letter in
> the positioning calculation, rather then just the
> kerning of the previous letters in the string.
> I don't have the maiandb.ttf font on my machine, but
> with other fonts, the two lines in your example file
> look identical with that change.
It sure is much better, but not exactly identical. Try the following code:
// Upper text has spacing by Cirle_Text macro.
// Lower text is a regular text object with correct spacing.
#include "shapes.inc"
camera {location -z orthographic}
background {color rgb 1}
#declare String = "AE-EO-A"
#declare Font = "cyrvetic.ttf"
object {
translate -49.8*y pigment {color rgb 0}
#declare Text = text {ttf Font,String, 0.01, 0}
object {
translate -(min_extent(Text)+max_extent(Text))/2
scale <1,-1,1> scale 0.45 pigment {color rgb 0}
But it's not a big problem.
You seem to understand the macro well, so could you possible do another
change to it?
I'd like to have a spacing option added that works like the x component of
the offset vector in regular fonts in POV-Ray.
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