POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : intermittent animation error : intermittent animation error Server Time
2 Nov 2024 17:20:57 EDT (-0400)
  intermittent animation error  
From: Tom Melly
Date: 22 Oct 2001 04:23:26
Message: <3bd3d77e@news.povray.org>
I'm getting a minor intermittent error when animating an iso. under win95/beta6.

Basically, around frame 26, somtimes the message window clears, and no further
output is written to it. The render window also dissapears and won't reappear
(no change in the show/hide button). However, output is not affected.

Is this a known problem, or should I post some code? The complexity of the
iso-function doesn't seem a particular issue - I've reproduced it with (y). -
and for all I know it can occur with any animation, isos or otherwise. Memory
doesn't seem to be the issue.

#macro G(D,E,F)#local I=array[3]{D,E,F}#local B=0;triangle{#while(
B<3)#while(I[B])A[mod(I[B],10)]+#local I[B]=div(I[B],10);#end<-5,-
2,9>#local B=B+1;#end}#end #local A=array[7]{x,x*2,x*4,y,y*2,y*4,z
146)G(105,1256,246)G(1256,126,220)G(22156,2216,201)pigment{rgb 1}}//TM

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