For some reason the shadows aren't getting any softer even when I adjust
some of the settings you have mentioned. The "curves" of the shadows are
not soft.
What I am truly looking for is the softness found in Ruy's tetrahedron macro
image. Ruy, you got any tips?
Thanks for everybody's help.
"Mike Hough" <Ama### [at] aolcom> wrote in message
> The specular highlight on the spheres is probably the reflection of the
> bright spot on the sky sphere. It can be made smaller by changing the
> map component [.9 color <.2, .3, .4>] to something like [.98 color <.2,
> .4>]. There are still some artifacts in the shadow that could probably be
> reduced by increasing the count or reducing the error bound. Excessive
> brightness can be reduced by lowering the radiosity brightness when you
> a light source.
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