For the car headlights to be visible and to get the "glow" around the
streetlight, you would probably use scattering media, though in 3.1 that
would slow it down a lot. Another thing- if you do use scattering media make
sure all light sources have a fad_distance parameter.
camera{location<0,0.25,-2> look_at 0.5*y} #declare T=texture{pigment{crackle
scale 0.5 rotate 90 turbulence 0.75 color_map{[0 rgb 1][0.05 rgb 1][0.1
rgb<1,0.25,1>][0.25 rgbf 1][1 rgbf 1]}} finish{ambient 1}} #declare
c=difference{torus{0.5,0.1 rotate -90*x}box{<0.7,0,0.2>,<-0.7,-0.7,-0.2>}}
merge{object{c translate<0.5,0.5,0>} object{c translate<-0.5,0.5,0>}
cylinder{<1,0.5,0>,<1,0,0>,0.1} cylinder{<-1,0.5,0>,<-1,0,0>,0.1}
cylinder{0.5*y,0,0.1} texture{T}}
"25ct" <25c### [at] lineonenet> wrote in message news:3bd1bc83@news.povray.org...
> Hi folks,
> haven't been around for a while, I've been glued to this
> scene and I guess it's my first serious try, (learnt a lot from doing this
> one).
> Firstly, it's a 3.1 scene, but when I rendered it in 3.5 b6 it turned
> a lot darker than the 3.1 render, any idea's why?
> Secondly, having said that, this is the 3.1 image.
> A few questions if I may.
> 1) How can I get a nice glow around the street lamp emanating downwards?
> 2) I'd also like to get the headlights on the cars coming down the valley
> to 'beam'.
> Any idea's?
> 3) How do I get 'radial' to work? I tried it on the barrell but couldn't
> get it to work.
> What am I missing here? Also, what can I use to put the 'bands' on
> barrell?
> I believe that there are two (from memory)?
> Anyway, hope you like it and comments are always welcome.
> ~Steve~
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