Or more specifically, remembering where the toolbars were after shutting down
and restarting.
I keep the help toolbar on the same line as the main tool bar and move the spare
toolbar onto the second row, shrunk as much as possible to the right. When I
exit and restart, the extra tool bar is on the first row and the help tool bar
is shrunk as much as possible on the right of the second row. While this is
better than before (with no memory :-) it still could use a bit of work.
Thanks for the great work guys (I can't say that enough)
POV-Ray 3.5 beta 6; PIII 733 160MB, Ahtlon 700 192MB; Win98SE
camera{location<8,20>look_at<6,0,4>}light_source{<8,8>rgb 1}difference{union{
#macro M(D,J)#local R=asc(substr(D,J,1))-32;<div(R,10)*2,mod(R,10)>#end#macro
E(D,B,R)prism{-D,4+D,R#local C=1;#while(C<R+1)M(B,C)#local C=C+1;#end}#end E(
0," (2:FPKAD80* U_dZU"18)sphere{2,2}#macro T(N)cylinder{<9,-N,3><9,4+N,3>3-N}
#end T(0)}T(2)E(1"45LNXUK4"8)pigment{rgb x+y/2}}//(c)2001 MDJohnson(Redbeard)
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