POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : Bug in SuperTorus : Bug in SuperTorus Server Time
2 Nov 2024 17:21:58 EDT (-0400)
  Bug in SuperTorus  
From: Redbeard (MDJohnson)
Date: 17 Oct 2001 22:57:26
Message: <3bce4516$1@news.povray.org>
I started playing with the SuperTorus in shapes.inc today and noticed a couple

First, and easiset to fix (I was able to do it myself) is that the Accuracy
parameter is not used.  Instead, the accuracy is set to 0.01.

Second, if I use a major or minor control of more than 0.5 (exactly) strange
things start happening.  If MinorControl is greater than 0.5, the ST becomes a
solid disc-like thing.  If MajorControl is greator than 0.5, a "plate" covers
3/4 of the object, covering exactly 3 of the four quadrants (I'm not sure which
one is not covered - I'll post test renders to p.b-t.b shortly)  I thought
perhaps it was the contained_by statement, but I enlarged it and it only moves
the plate.

Finally, I would add a default max_gradient of 1 when max_gradient is less than
1 and evaluate is used.  That seems to help with holes most of the time.

Ok, that was more than a couple.  Sorry :-)

Again, I'll post sample renders (and code) to p.b-t.b shortly.

#macro M(D)#local J=strlen(D);#local _=""#while(J>0)#local _=concat(_,substr(D
,J,1))#local J=J-1;#end _#end sphere{z*9,5pigment{rgb x}}#macro N(D,J)text{ttf
"timrom.ttf"M(D)1,0 translate-J}#end#macro O(E,K)#local _=N(E,K)light_source{-
z*9rgb 1projected_through{_}}#end O("leahciM"<1.6,-.3.9>)O("nosnhoJ"<>)

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