POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Warning question : Warning question Server Time
4 Nov 2024 19:18:00 EST (-0500)
  Warning question  
From: Hershel Robinson
Date: 15 Oct 2001 07:05:37
Message: <3bcac301@news.povray.org>
Why does the following code generate a:
Warning: Unnecessary bounding object removed.
for each tile in the road?  (POV-Ray 3.5 beta 6)



#declare TileSize = 8;
#declare I = -30;
#declare Road =
union {
   #while (I<=400)
      #declare J = -50;
      #while (J<=50)
         plane { y, -20
            bounded_by { box { <J,-30,I>, <J+TileSize,0,I+TileSize> } }
            clipped_by { bounded_by }
         plane { y, -20
            bounded_by { box { <J+TileSize,-30,I+TileSize>,
<J+TileSize*2,0,I+TileSize*2> } }
            clipped_by { bounded_by }
         #declare J=J+TileSize*2;
      #declare I=I+TileSize*2;
   texture {
      pigment {
         scale <0.3, 1, 0.3>
         colour_map {
            [0 1 colour Black
                 colour red 0.5 green 0.5 blue 0.5]
      finish {
         specular 1
         roughness 0.02
         reflection 0.25
   } // texture

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