POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : Granite and noise gen 3 bug? : Granite and noise gen 3 bug? Server Time
4 Nov 2024 13:02:02 EST (-0500)
  Granite and noise gen 3 bug?  
From: Redbeard (MDJohnson)
Date: 14 Oct 2001 12:21:27
Message: <3bc9bb87$1@news.povray.org>
I know the noise generator has been changed to remove plateaus.  However, as the
following shows, it doesn't appear to generate a full range of values (from
0-1).  I appologize if this has been mentioned and discussed already.  If so,
point me to the right spot.

If noise_generator 3 is used, the following is solid red rendered at 800x600.  I
would expect that some white (even if just flecks) would be visible, considering
it is set to 30% red.  Using noise_generator 1 works as expected.  Noise
generator 2 yields the same results as 3.

// Complete scene
  z * 3, 1
    #declare P = 0.7;
    color_map { [P rgb x][P rgb 1] }
    noise_generator 3
  finish { ambient 1 }

Thanks POV-Team!
camera{location<8,20>look_at<6,0,4>}light_source{<8,8>rgb 1}difference{union{
#macro M(D,J)#local R=asc(substr(D,J,1))-32;<div(R,10)*2,mod(R,10)>#end#macro
E(D,B,R)prism{-D,4+D,R#local C=1;#while(C<R+1)M(B,C)#local C=C+1;#end}#end E(
0," (2:FPKAD80* U_dZU"18)sphere{2,2}#macro T(N)cylinder{<9,-N,3><9,4+N,3>3-N}
#end T(0)}T(2)E(1"45LNXUK4"8)pigment{rgb x+y/2}}//(c)2001 MDJohnson(Redbeard)

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