POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : transform.inc : Reorient_Trans(Axis1,Axis2) : Re: transform.inc : Reorient_Trans(Axis1,Axis2) Server Time
18 Feb 2025 18:16:34 EST (-0500)
  Re: transform.inc : Reorient_Trans(Axis1,Axis2)  
From: Rune
Date: 5 Oct 2001 16:35:27
Message: <3bbe198f@news.povray.org>
"KalleK" wrote:
> According to the doc's this macro should align x
> to Axis1 and z to Axis2.

The docs are wrong.

> I think at first it was designed to align Axis1 to Axis2.

That's correct. Well, I didn't make the macro, but it seems quite obvious.

> Reorient_Trans (x,x) driggers an error in the macro

I've fixed this. However, Reorient_Trans (x,-x) still triggers an error, and
there's no fix for that.

> but it should (maybe) trigger some error, because Axis1
> is not in 90 degree (don't know that word "opposite of
> parallel" rigth now) with Axis2, or it should shear the
> object.

I'm not sure what you mean, but I don't see any problem with the macro. It
sure isn't supposed to shear the object.

> if only the docs are changed according to "this aligns
> axis1 to axis2" there's a proplem, that this gives
> infinite solutions

"this aligns axis1 to axis2 by rotating the object around a vector
perpendicular to both axis1 and axis2."


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