POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : 16-bit PGM pigment and height field problems : Re: 16-bit PGM pigment and height field problems Server Time
4 Nov 2024 21:24:05 EST (-0500)
  Re: 16-bit PGM pigment and height field problems  
From: Mike Hough
Date: 2 Oct 2001 19:48:57
Message: <3bba5269@news.povray.org>
> There should be 16384 words for the data, plus 2 for the size, one for the
> max, and one more for the header.  It's short by 6 words.  However, this
> might be an issue with the encoding; perhaps you can zip your image and
> repost it in the binaries group?

I doubt this is an encoding problem, since the file is ASCII text.  Why
would it need a word to represent the header and the size?  I'm not sure of
the max either.  They are ASCII codes.  Technically it should be possible to
write a PGM file in a word processor and have it work.  It almost seems like
the file is being read in binary.  I'm going to upload a much smaller PGM
file to the binaries group that's easier to dissect.

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