POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : Isosurface *disappears* at high resolution (fwd) : Isosurface *disappears* at high resolution (fwd) Server Time
4 Nov 2024 19:17:41 EST (-0500)
  Isosurface *disappears* at high resolution (fwd)  
From: Warp
Date: 25 Sep 2001 12:39:45
Message: <3bb0b351@news.povray.org>
Got this report by email (the sender has some problems posting here):

Could someone please check this scene, it looks like there is a serious bug 
(maybe a mem leak) in the "isosurface object" feature.
You will see an isosurface DISAPPEAR after a certain number of pixels has 
been rendered successfully. This shows up only at resolutions like 
1024x768, not in small previews.

dAWiDi, pov### [at] xxs-swpde

example scene file
// I have been playing around with the new isosurface feature quite a bit, 
but now
// I think I have found a serious bug in this thing:
// When I render this scene at [1024x768 AA], the silvery isosurface object
// is totally ignored after about 30% of the render. This bug also occured
// with POVRAY 3.5 beta 1. It seems it can be avoided by going to extremely 
// max_gradient (let's say 50) and accuracy (below 0.0001), but the object
// actually is not as complex as to justify settings that cause the render
// to run slower than 10 PPS. By the way, the 192x144 preview and partial 
test renders of
// the 1024 resolution did not have this problem, as obviously it only kicks in
// after a certain number of pixels have been rendered.
// NOTE: If you're doing test renders to see the error, you have to let it 
render the
// entire image at 1024x768, even though it will take several minutes (30 
mins on my
// Celeron 466), because otherwise it might not occur. You can render it at 
a very
// low resolution first, to see what it's supposed to look like.
// I just hope someone can fix it, since this sort of thing could occur in any
// isosurface scene.
// Even though I don't think this is system-dependent, here's my config:
// intelCeleron 466 @466MHz, 192MB, 30GB, MSWin98-1, POVRay 3.5 beta 1&4.
// dAWiDi, pov### [at] xxs-swpde
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
max_trace_level 50
adc_bailout 1/32
camera {location <-4,4,-5>
	angle 60
	look_at <0,-.5,0>
light_source {<-15,100,5> color White*.7}
light_source {<-15,35,-40> color rgb <0,85/255,155/255> shadowless}
light_source {<15,30,-40> color rgb 1-<0,85/255,155/255> shadowless}

#declare xxsStdSky=sky_sphere{
	pigment{gradient y color_map{[0 White][1 rgb<.5,.5,1>]}}
	pigment{bozo scale .5 rotate x*90 turbulence 1 color_map{[.05 color 
Gray95][.2 color Clear]} scale<1,.6,1>}
	pigment{bozo scale .07 turbulence .7 color_map{[0 color White][.3 color 
Clear]} scale<5,.6,1> }
fog{fog_type 2 distance 1000/5 fog_offset 10 fog_alt 20 color 
background{color rgb .25}

#declare testfunki=function{pattern{crackle}}

#declare pattskali=3;
#declare Blob_threshold=0.1;
#declare Funki1=function{ y-1*(sin(x)*cos(z*x/5))}
#declare Funki2=function{ 
contained_by{box{<-5,-1.01,-6>, <18,3,20>}}
max_gradient 5
threshold 0
accuracy 0.0005

//End Of File

#macro N(D,I)#if(I<6)cylinder{M()#local D[I]=div(D[I],104);M().5,2pigment{
rgb M()}}N(D,(D[I]>99?I:I+1))#end#end#macro M()<mod(D[I],13)-6,mod(div(D[I
],13),8)-3,10>#end blob{N(array[6]{11117333955,
7382340,3358,3900569407,970,4254934330},0)}//                     - Warp -

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