POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : function parsing : Re: function parsing Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:09:34 EST (-0500)
  Re: function parsing  
From: Warp
Date: 18 Sep 2001 05:49:49
Message: <3ba718bd@news.povray.org>
You are right. For example this:

#declare F = function(a) { a/2*2 }
#debug concat(str(F(10),0,-1), "\n")

prints "2.5" when in fact it should be "10".

  There's some kind of bug in the precedences of operators.

#macro N(D,I)#if(I<6)cylinder{M()#local D[I]=div(D[I],104);M().5,2pigment{
rgb M()}}N(D,(D[I]>99?I:I+1))#end#end#macro M()<mod(D[I],13)-6,mod(div(D[I
],13),8)-3,10>#end blob{N(array[6]{11117333955,
7382340,3358,3900569407,970,4254934330},0)}//                     - Warp -

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