> // Left Wall
> difference{
> box{
> <-11,0,-12>,<-10,10,12>
> texture{
> Wall_Texture
> }
> }
> box{
> <-12,0,-1.5>,<-9,8,-8>
> texture{
> pigment{
> color White
> }
> }
> }
> }
the size of the cut out is the size of the box
i.e. box{<-12,0,-1.5>,<-9,8,-8>} is a cube 2 x 8 x 6.5
to make it smaller you have to change the coordinates in relation to each
i.e. box{<-12,0,-6>,<-9,8,-8>} = 2x8x2
or box{<-12,0,-1.5>,<-9,8,-3.5>} = 2x8x2
the only difference between these two is their location (corner at
<-12,0,-6> vs {<-12,0,-1.5>)
remember the vectors of the box represent the beginning and end points of
the cube not the size, the size is the difference between these points.
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