Hey guys,
This is a shot I recently completely and is the last time I will run it
because the render time is simply horrendous. It's a six engine German
bomber flying at dusk, the sky covered in anti-aircraft flak. I had two
computers chewing this and it took days. With the thousands of media
objects combined with the glows and motion blurring, the computer almost
came to a screeching halt. Anyway, I wanted to have the underside of
the aircraft bathed in orange light. To attempt this I placed an area
light underneath the aircraft but it left behind unwanted effects. You
can see the light source in the windscreen when all I wanted was a kind
of evenly spaced orange glow. Would MegaPov's/3.5's parallel lights
accomplish this? Any comments on the flak or city lighting?
sta### [at] uiuc edu
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