I think there's a problem in the basic functionality. If HSL is supposed to
work anything like in regular graphics programs, then this code:
// Incorporate saturation and lightness
(((1 - S)*<1, 1, 1> + S*vClampedRGB)*L)
Should be replaced with this:
// Incorporate saturation and lightness
#switch (L)
#range (0.0, 0.5)
#range (0.5, 1.0)
You can use this code to see the difference:
#declare Xm = 50;
#declare Ym = 50;
#declare X = 0;
#while (X<=Xm)
#declare Y = 0;
#while (Y<=Ym)
#declare Xv = (X/Xm);
#declare Yv = (Y/Ym);
sphere {
<Xv,Yv,0>, 0.05
pigment {color ConvertHSLtoRGB(<0,Xv,Yv>)}
finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
#declare Y=Y+1;
#declare X=X+1;
camera {translate <0.5,0.5,-1>}
background {color rgb 0.5}
I might be wrong though - I would like to hear your opinions on this!
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