"Ryan Constantine" <rco### [at] yahoocom> wrote in message
> if i remember correctly, the microsoft help program lets one decompile
> any chm file. given this ability, the need for an external css file may
> not exist since one could decompile the chm, replace the css and
> recompile the chm.
While you are correct in what you are saying regarding recompilation, I would
disagree with the suggestion that it makes the need for an external CSS non-
existant. Doing what you stated requires at the very least that the user has
a copy of the HTML Help compiler and toolkit. Plus, having an external CSS is
handy, even for me (and I of course have the original source files) since it
means I can test and tweak the CSS without having to recompile the CHM each
and every time.
Finally, the CHM decompilation process doesn't produce a project file; the user
would have to write one themselves.
Frankly, with all of the above, I think it's a much easier task to simply put a
CSS file in the root of the install drive.
-- Chris
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