H.M. "David Buck" <dav### [at] simberoncom> wrote:
> could provide the scene file for the splash screen image. I really like
> that. The .dat files provided are usually either quick tests (and
> sometimes ugly) or very old. Let's show what POV-Ray can really do.
Your wishes are orders for me!
But, I think as Rune that basic demo scenes must remain simple. I also
think that the /advanced folder can grow a bit. Anyhow, although I'm really
proud that H.M. likes the splash image, it is not really a good demo for
3.5, and not even for 3.1. If I remember well, it was 3.0 code, but I
translated it for the splash render to 3.5 pre-beta. Also, Gilles is
completely right, and "serious" scenes would require render times that
perhaps will discourage the new user. It's a great dilema...
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