"SciBorg" <tck### [at] irrwerkde> wrote in message news:3B976963.47AC6D6F@irrwerk.de...
> Any idea what went wrong ? as admin i could easily run the prog .
The home entry can't be found because the user you're running as doesn't have it.
The keys were installed under HKCU (the current user hive in the registry) for
the user 'administrator'.
I suggest you export the POV-Ray tree from HKCU and import it into the user you
are running the program as (or re-install over the old copy).
There's nothing much I can do about this; the 3.1 version did use HKLM for this
exact reason (allowing all users access), but had the limitation that the person
installing it must have write permission to HKLM, which turned out to be a
problem for a lot of folks.
-- Chris
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