POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : ini option Post_Scene_Command : ini option Post_Scene_Command Server Time
5 Nov 2024 01:26:20 EST (-0500)
  ini option Post_Scene_Command  
From: KalleK
Date: 5 Sep 2001 16:11:33
Message: <3b9686f5$1@news.povray.org>
Win98 on Athlon 1.4GHz, 512MB DDR-Ram

Adding a Post_Scene_Command to the povray.ini I get sometimes the
message "could not create process" or, using a parameter like %s
to the P_S_Command I get an extra box that says:

The File " was not found.
Make sure, this files exists and path- and filename are correct

(this was translated from a german message, its not exact)
(There is really just an quotationmark as filename.)

I found out that I could reproduce the error with any Ini file.

You have to disable IO Restrictions (set to No Restriction, and
uncheck "Disable Starting Other Programs"), add skyvase.pov to
local path, and a file called test.bat to d:\

--- begin of inifile ---
Post_Scene_Command=d:\test.bat %s
--- end of file ---

triggeres the error

--- begin of inifile ---
Post_Scene_Command=d:\test.bat %s--- end of file ---

but the above does not, if there's no carriage return ofter the
second line.
If there's one the error is there.:

--- begin of inifile ---
Post_Scene_Command=d:\test.bat %s
--- end of file ---

The only way to avoid the error, is to keep the
Post_Scene_Command in the last line of the inifile, and to make
sure there's no ENTER at the end of this command.

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