POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Polished silver sought : Polished silver sought Server Time
4 Nov 2024 21:26:45 EST (-0500)
  Polished silver sought  
From: Hershel Robinson
Date: 19 Aug 2001 11:11:55
Message: <3b7fd73b$1@news.povray.org>
1 What does WIP mean?

2 How can I make this goblet (OK, it's just a cup now, but I'm learning)
look more like polished silver?  BTW, the red thing is the beginnings of the
wine decanter.


#declare Cam3 = camera { location<0,12,-20>
                         look_at <0,5,0>}

light_source{<-10,15,-10> color White}

// gobliet
difference {
     cone{< 0, 0.1, 0>, 2, < 0, 5, 0>, 2.5}
     cone{< 0, .5, 0>, 1.9, < 0, 5.1, 0>, 2.4
//          pigment { color Gold }
     pigment { color Silver }
     texture { Silver_Metal }
        finish { metallic
//                 phong 1
//                 phong_size 11
//                 metallic
                 diffuse 11
                 ambient 0.2
//                 specular .9
//                 roughness .001
//                 reflection .1
//                 brilliance 3
     translate 3*x

// table
#include "stones1.inc"
box {<-15,-14,-4>, <15,0,10>
//       pigment {color White}
        texture { White_Marble }
       finish { diffuse 2 }
// background
plane { y, -10
   pigment { color Blue * .5 }
// decanter
blob {
    threshold .65

    sphere { <0,4.5,0>, 8, 1 }
    cylinder { <0,7,0>, <0,13,0>, 1, 1 }

    pigment { color Red * .5 }
    finish { diffuse 2 }
    translate -5*x


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