POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Spacing text using min_extent and max_extent : Spacing text using min_extent and max_extent Server Time
4 Nov 2024 23:20:28 EST (-0500)
  Spacing text using min_extent and max_extent  
From: Reuben Pearse
Date: 7 Aug 2001 12:14:15
Message: <3b7013d7@news.povray.org>
Hi all,

Trying to do scene in which I apply a texture to individual letters in a
word (as opposed to applying the texture to the whole word). However this
involves looping through the code for each letter - this then makes
positioning the text a problem - each letter in the word is spaced equally -
like when using a fixed width font.
I have tried using the new megapov features min_extent and max_extent to
work out the position for a letter based on the size/position of the last
letter, but cannot get it working.
Has anyone got any code that does this?



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