POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Trying to animate this a certain way.. : Re: Trying to animate this a certain way.. Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:42:16 EST (-0500)
  Re: Trying to animate this a certain way..  
From: Bob H 
Date: 6 Jul 2001 01:36:43
Message: <3b454e6b@news.povray.org>
"Jonb" <prm### [at] indecisionsorg> wrote in message news:3b450e71$1@news.povray.org...
> First off, I'd like to explain myself a bit if you wouldn't mind.  I have
> been an on and off pov user for almost 4 years now.  I've only been viewing
> povray.binaries.images/animations so I'm not exactly sure where I should be
> posting this on this newsgroup.  I just figured it would be best to post
> here...

Perfect place to post, even if less traveled maybe.  The small script isn't
overwhelming, just keep
in mind not to post binary files to non-binary groups.

> box{-1,1 pigment{rgb<1,1,1> rotate 360*y*clock}
> ..but that doesn't output the right effect I need though.
> If you wouldn't mind loading this
> http://www.arrant-grimes.com/users/slide/oldteniji/
> When the flash is fully loaded, look at the top right.

See script change:

> ==========
> #include "colors.inc"
> camera{
> location<0,1,-5>
> look_at <0,0,0>
> }
> light_source{<140,140,-140> color White}
> #declare MyCube=
> box{-1,1 pigment{White} rotate 35*y} // removed rotate x part from here...
> object {MyCube rotate 360*y*clock
 rotate -25*x} // ... and put it here.
> background{White}
> ==============

To explain, what happened is you want tilted first then rotated when all you needed
was a rotation
loop about the y axis.  Since you tilted forward first it also rotated round and round
to where the
front became the back and back to front again.

Bob H.

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