POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Just an observation : Re: Just an observation Server Time
23 Dec 2024 15:11:29 EST (-0500)
  Re: Just an observation  
From: Norbert Kern
Date: 5 Jul 2001 11:56:45
Message: <3b448e3d$1@news.povray.org>
>But consider this: someone wants to
> make a scene of his desk, with a computer (monitor, mouse and keyboard), a
> pencil, a piece of paper, and a cup.  First he fires up rhino to create
> pencil and the cup.  Then he starts to search the web to find a model of a
> mouse, keyboard and monitor.  He scans in a piece of paper, and uses it as
> an image map on a plane.  Then he imports everything in 3ds max, creates
> textures, moves the models around a bit until it looks good, adds a few

> he has a finished image.  This whole process can be done in half an hour.
> Where is the fun in that?  Or the rightful pride in knowing you
> something special?


>  Instead, I wanted to accuse the people who sit down in
> front of their computer for half a day, and at the end think they have a
> valid entry for the irtc.  IMO the irtc is about showing what a computer
> do when pushed to the limits, and not that a computer can make images in a
> matter of minutes.
>  Zero

As you clarified your point, I think you are right.
But I would be happy if I could do it by this "professional" way in half an
hour.  ;)

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