POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Aligning text along a circle : Re: Aligning text along a circle Server Time
4 Nov 2024 23:15:30 EST (-0500)
  Re: Aligning text along a circle  
From: Elias Pschernig
Date: 4 Jul 2001 11:31:24
Message: <3b4336cc@news.povray.org>
> I'm not really a new user, but this question is so basic (and I'm such an
> amateur) that this seemed like the right group to ask.  Ok, here's the deal:
> I'm trying to align text around a circle.  I have been trying by making the
> individual letters, then translating them down, and subsequently rotating
> them into place.  However this gives 2 problems: 1. the origin is in the
> lower left of each letter, so after rotating they still don't align nicely
> and instead slope to the right a bit, and 2. since I don't know the width of
> each character I can't space them correctly.
> Now I know in the Win32 GUI there is a function which tells you the width of
> a character, but I'm guessing this isn't implemented in povray.  So my
> question is: is there any way to calculate the width of each character?  Or,
> alternatively, does anyone know how to reach the same effect in a different
> way (perhaps with a macro)?

Although I'm quite new to povray myself, I have an idea what you could do.
Try getting megapov, it supports centering of text, and thus would solve your

Elias Pschernig

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