POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Just an observation : Re: Just an observation Server Time
23 Dec 2024 15:17:58 EST (-0500)
  Re: Just an observation  
From: Edward Leibnitz
Date: 4 Jul 2001 10:21:32
Message: <3b43266c@news.povray.org>
No .. In fact, I'd like to share something also .... I've just started using
Moray 3.3 and
what I miss from POV-Ray is the ability to pass parameters to your objects

Moray leaves you with cylinders and spheres that are placed in location like
x = 3.232345 y = 2.4356322 z = 7.342345 which is useless if you want to
"pop" the code
into the POV- Ray editor and start programming your CSG's.

but it is still a nice product!


Zero <Zer### [at] yahooNOSPAMcom> wrote in message
> I've been looking at the entries for the stills round and I have an
> observation to share.  I haven't gone through all the entries yet (I'm at
> the c for crushed), but it seems that lately traditional CSG is being
> aside by more complex modelling techniques.  Which of course means the
> modeller needs either one very expensive modelling program (such as 3ds
> and many others) or several cheap (or free) ones (such as breeze, moray,
> spatch, ...) to make a complete scene.  Where are the days when all you
> needed was a renderer like POV-Ray and a good insight in 3d space to
> CSG objects?  Now it seems even for the simplest scene you have to use
> or sweeps just to be considered a good modeller.
> Anyway, that's just how I feel.  Anyone else have a different view on
> Zero

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