"John D. Gwinner" <jgw### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message
> #declare T02 = texture { average texture_map { [T1 T_Wood2 rotate x*90
> scale 10 finish { specular 0.15 roughness 0.25 ambient 0.25 } ]
> [T2 pigment {rgbf 1} ] } }
> (i.e. the 'texture' keyword in T2 didn't take)
Sorry, I declared it ahead of time when I actually tried it here myself, didn't do it
like I wrote
here before. You don't use the texture {} part if it's texture_map and likewise leave
off the
pigment {} if using pigment_map.
> I'd been hoping that there was a 'transparency' keyword I was missing (VRML
> syntax floating around in my head), but it wouldn't really make sense
> actually.
There is a transmit keyword (as opposed to filter) which doesn't depend on pigment
colors when
doing the transparency. I just don't see any way to apply it to layered textures
after the fact.
An interesting predicament, it would be good to be able to use such a thing.
Bob H.
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