> I am far from expert, but sounds... curious. Weird. Never encountered
> anything like that myself. If you post the source, I might be able to
> you better. My best _guess_ is that there is some automatic vector
> expansion going on, and by making it explicit in the macro you could
> the weirdness. Btw: what version of POV are you using?
Here is the source. The problem is, without the +0, the value of the pos
vector gets changed. What i'm looking for is probably a way to change
the parameter type or something like that.
I've read the documentation (so I understand f.e. the difference between
%rec and $rec), but I didn't find anything about how to change the
parameters type.
#version unofficial MegaPov 0.7;
%rec = 0;
#macro tree(pos, dir, scl)
$rec = rec + 1;
cylinder { pos pos + dir * scl .1 * scl }
%pos = pos + dir * scl;
#if(rec < 10)
%ldir = vaxis_rotate(dir, z, 30);
%rdir = vaxis_rotate(dir, z, -30);
tree(pos+0, ldir, scl*0.9) // If i don't write the '+0', it goes
tree(pos+0, rdir, scl*0.9)
$rec = rec - 1;
tree(-4*y, <0,1,0>, 1)
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