POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : HF seeded with flowers in a vain way [~900KB Mpg] : Re: HF seeded with flowers again, file on web Server Time
4 Nov 2024 12:58:41 EST (-0500)
  Re: HF seeded with flowers again, file on web  
From: Bob H 
Date: 13 May 2001 06:05:24
Message: <3afe5c64@news.povray.org>
"Christoph Hormann" <chr### [at] gmxde> wrote in message
> How about varying the style of the flower according to the picture too.
> You could also try making the flowers a 'wave' moving across the picture.

That would be good, yes, if I can work with eval_pigment okay anyhow.  I
started thinking about rotating the flowers around toward the light, moving
it around instead of the moving the camera, but I'd be going off on a
tangent from what I intended to start with.
I keep forgetting to how the midway point has a glitch of scale change or
camera shift or something.  Haven't tracked it down yet, the flowers stop
being placed at >0.5 (clock halfway point) or rather are placed from 0 to
Wasn't concerned with that before so much but now I'm not sure what's
causing it.

Bob H.

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