"yooper" <Out### [at] huntelnet> wrote in message
> if you space two blobs components at the right
> distance, the connecting ribbon can be made very
> thin.Then difference one of the blob components
> out and you should end up with one left in a tear-drop
> shape.
That's how I've done it before too, while looping the point could be easier
Always seems to be tricky to get just the right distance separation for the
pinched connection, and then you have to locate just the right place for the
differencing away of the other component.
> No time now but will try to get you an example
> when I get home from work (a day or 2)
Chris's isosurface method seems more plausible to me actually.
Here's my try at it, but probably not the shape you want. More of what I
think I read a real raindrop shape is, ie. convexly (that a word?) rounded.
#version unofficial MegaPov 0.7;
// lobes II (raindrop)
#declare F13=function {(sin(y^1.67)+(x+(.485)+z)-(x*x+cos(y*.515)+z*z))}
isosurface {function {F13}
contained_by {sphere {<.5,-1.33,.5>,1.33}} // yow, this sure had to be
moved around!
sign -1
accuracy .01
pigment {rgb 1}
scale <1,1.25,1>
camera {
location <0,0,-10>
angle 30
look_at -y
light_source {<-25,7.5,-150>,1.25}
One (heck of a messy) way to do it anyhow.
Bob H.
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