POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Well, that was unrewarding : Re: Well, that was unrewarding Server Time
23 Dec 2024 15:34:01 EST (-0500)
  Re: Well, that was unrewarding  
From: Greg M  Johnson
Date: 4 Apr 2001 23:01:15
Message: <3acbdffb@news.povray.org>
1) I'd vote it low.

    ART & TECH scores: low because that collection of symbols doesn't look
like anything with depth (hey, we are 3d artists) but something that could
have been done with a paint program: was it a flying bucket, a holy mist, a
space womb--what?
    THEME: It looks like some kind of new agey, "all paths lead to God" theme,
which I don't care for.

2) So what if we vote it low

    I let low IRTC scores cripple my creativity for a while.  These are just a
bunch of volunteer amateurs and everyone has their head up their but over a
different issue.  There was a time when I was angrily offended that crisply
photorealistic but horribly boring images got higher scores than imaginative
and ambitious stuff, but hey I GOT OVER IT!  If it is really something that
*you* would print out on a T-shirt for your nephew or print out to hang on the
wall in your foyer, then by all means enjoy your creativity and don't let a
little nitpicking ruin your whole "vocation" of art in this form...

3) Practice !
    How does one get to Carnegie Hall?

Tina wrote:

> My interpretation of this feedback and lack thereof is that the IRTC
> audience considers my work utter crap.

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