POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Why does this look totally different today than it did in 1997? : Re: Why does this look totally different today than it did in 1997? Server Time
5 Nov 2024 01:22:39 EST (-0500)
  Re: Why does this look totally different today than it did in 1997?  
From: Bob H 
Date: 10 Mar 2001 22:33:13
Message: <3aaaf1f9@news.povray.org>
It's the caustics in the glass texture.  Don't know why it would have been
dark in regular POV though.  I thought it could only be the transmit of
either the media container of the glass texture but the glass is filtered
instead.  And I changed the media container to rgbf and it made no
difference.  So, it is the caustics 1 making the bright shadow.  Probably
the fact that the stone texture is layered and that has changed to have
transmitted pigments instead of filtered ones.  That meaning the underlying
layers show through much more unchanged.  At least this is what I remember.

Bob H.

"John M. Dlugosz" <joh### [at] dlugoszcom> wrote in message
> The picture seen at http://green.dlugosz.com/files/lamp1.3.jpg is a
> re-render of http://www.dlugosz.com/Artwork/POV/lamp1.JPG
> 1) with MegaPOV, the floor looks different.  It looks fine if I turn off
> "version unofficial", so what difference is making T_Stone9 come out
> 2) the brightness of the glass is different.  Same look with "unofficial"
> turned on or off.  (walls are exactly the same, so it's not gamma
> adjustment)
> 3) there is a bright stripe on the floor where there was a dark stripe
> (shadow) before.  What??
> Source file at http://green.dlugosz.com/files/lamp1.3.pov

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