POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : questoins : Re: questoins Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:59:30 EST (-0500)
  Re: questoins  
From: Maan M  Hamze
Date: 31 Jan 2001 01:16:59
Message: <3a77addb@news.povray.org>
"Zac Trolley" <Zac### [at] homecom> wrote in message
>     I have a few questions. I use moray and i want to know how to get my
> files animated.

Do you have the files already in sequence and you want to animate them?  Or
you are going to be producing these files?

 I am totally confused by the help files.

Great things start with great confusions :O
Try to work with Moray and Alexander's animation plugin and try to formulate
your questions into specific areas.

>Also, how can i
> make high fields? i want to add some realistic backgrounds to my files.

Check www.povray.org/links
There are some height field tools there.
Basically a height field is a bitmap that can be looked at as a terrain or a
mapping where shades in grey or different colors are mapped into different
heights.  In other words, for starters, ANY picture is a height field.
Anyway, check the links.
My favourite is Gravure.  I do not know if it is in the POVRAY links
section.  There is also Terrain Maker, from the maker of an old animation
tool for povray (I forgot his name) - Varmint.
You want to be FANCY :)
Check out:  www.planetside.co.uk/terragen
I'll not tell you what is that :)  You just have to explore.  Check the
Resources area on that page for tools to export a terragin terrain into a
POVRAY height field.

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