POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : can someone please point me to ... : Re: can someone please point me to ... Server Time
18 Feb 2025 18:11:46 EST (-0500)
  Re: can someone please point me to ...  
From: Mark Wagner
Date: 18 Jan 2001 02:13:04
Message: <3a669780@news.povray.org>
Jan Walzer wrote in message <3a66275e@news.povray.org>...
>the post where someone had a fancy ball flying around and some kind of
>"guns" followed him ...
>I know it was here a VERY long time ago, and I don't know from whom it was,
>but he must have used a macro that takes an location and a target as
>and gives back some rotations ...

I wrote a couple of macros to do that:

#macro Bearing(__Location, __Target)
#macro Elevation(__Location, __Target)


Bearing() gives you the rotation around the y axis for the gun turret, and
Elevation() gives you the rotation about the z axis for the gun.  Example:
Your gun turret is at <1,2,3>, and you are shooting at a target at <-5,4,7>:

    object{GunBarrel rotate z*Elevation(<1,2,3>,<-5,4,7>)}
    rotate y*Bearing(<1,2,3>,<-5,4,7>)
    translate <1,2,3>


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