POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Scanline rendering? : Re: Scanline rendering? Server Time
5 Nov 2024 03:18:32 EST (-0500)
  Re: Scanline rendering?  
From: Bob H 
Date: 17 Jan 2001 03:09:29
Message: <3a655339@news.povray.org>
Scanline just follows the objects surfaces without tying them in with simulated
light rays, at least that's my understanding.  Bah! Why try and explain what I
don't know.
Check out these web pages:


http://www.geocities.com/jamisbuck/raytracing.html    A familiar name.  Tells
about raytracing though.

Bob H.

"Josh English" <eng### [at] spiritonecom> wrote in message
> I feel kind of silly asking this, so I'll ask it here. I've been ray
> tracing for at least six years with POV-Ray, and I keep hearing about
> scanline rendering, and I'm wondering what the diference is between ray
> tracing and scan-line. I'm sure its something simple but the explanation
> escapes me. Can someone throw me a hint or link or something?

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