"DreyWerx" <you### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message
> i got the clock thing. now how do i make it render frame after frame? do i
> have to go in and change the clock variable by hand? or is there a way of
> doing it automatically?
The latter (automatically). You need to set Initial_Frame = x and
Final_Frame = y in your ini settings for the scene.
You will then output multiple images with the clock incrementing between
each scene.
By default the clock will increment from 0 for your first frame to 1 for
your last frame, so if you were rendering 11 frames it would go 0, 0.1, 0.2
.... 1.0 (iirc).
You can change this default by adding Initial_Clock and Final_Clock to your
For more info, look up "Animation" and "INI File Settings" in the help.
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