POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : negative objects : negative objects Server Time
5 Nov 2024 03:20:06 EST (-0500)
  negative objects  
From: Bill Brehm
Date: 3 Nov 2000 21:04:00
Message: <3a036e90@news.povray.org>

This one's hard for me to describe, so I hope the point get across.

I'd like to create an compound object that adds something to the scene, but
also removes something else from whatever it happens to intersect.

I guess I'll do it by example.

Say I make a golf course lawn. I want to add a bunch of holes with a golf
ball in each of them. I don't want have to use a difference object to create
the ground then specify the coordinates of each hole and then have to repeat
each coordinate to place the golf balls. I'd like to create a "golf ball in
a hole" object which when place in the ground would "drill a hole" in the
ground and then create a ball. If I decided to add some holes, I wouldn't
have to go back and modify two objects, the drilled ground and the group of
balls. If I decided to use this object inside the club house or on a golf
cart, it would drill the holes in those objects and add the balls.

Any ideas?



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