POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : rounding off the edges : rounding off the edges Server Time
5 Nov 2024 03:16:51 EST (-0500)
  rounding off the edges  
From: Bill Brehm
Date: 3 Nov 2000 20:56:22
Message: <3a036cc6@news.povray.org>

Is there a way to round off the edges of an object, either 2D or 3D, without
doing all the calculations manually?

Say I want to make a circle with a cross removed, and want the three sharp
cormers on each quadrant to have a radius no smaller than a specified value.
I know I could remove a small square from each sharp edge, then add back a
circle, but that is tedious. I'd like to say, take that object and make the
minimum radius such and such.



Example of the object whose edges I'd like to round:

#local StripPadThickness = 0.003 * 25.4;
#local StripFiducialDiameter = 4 * 225 / 640;
#local StripFiducialStreetWidth = 2 / 18 * StripFiducialDiameter;
#local StripFiducialClearance = 0.5;

#local StripPadTexture = texture {Gold_Metal}

// Round crosshair fiducial declaration

#local StripFiducial = difference {
  cylinder {
    <0, 0, 0>
    <0, 0, -StripPadThickness>
    StripFiducialDiameter / 2
  box {
    <-StripFiducialDiameter / 2 - Tiny, StripFiducialStreetWidth /
2, -StripPadThickness - Tiny>
    <StripFiducialDiameter / 2 + Tiny, -StripFiducialStreetWidth / 2, Tiny>
  box {
    <StripFiducialStreetWidth / 2, -StripFiducialDiameter / 2 -
Tiny, -StripPadThickness - Tiny>
    <-StripFiducialStreetWidth / 2, StripFiducialDiameter / 2 + Tiny, Tiny>
  texture {StripPadTexture}

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