POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Media in Povray 3.5 : Re: Media in Povray 3.5 Server Time
6 Mar 2025 21:32:53 EST (-0500)
  Re: Media in Povray 3.5  
From: William F  Pokorny
Date: 14 Feb 2003 10:13:51
Message: <3E4D07AE.A85709C7@attglobal.net>
Thanks much for this information! I have never been able to get scattering media
to work well for me in other than one unit containers - yes, I divided the
density by the scale. The trouble is always that the media gets far too bright
at settings I 'think' should be perfect. When I adjust the scattering to get the
brightness right, the media looked simply awful. I never thought to try
adjusting the absorbtion to dim the media! I'll have to play with this later
Regards, Bill P.  

> It is different!
> If the volume is denser, this should have different effects, like being
> absorbed faster, but since we've got more "particles" to light, it also
> gets brighter. Hence I use absorption to compensate for that.
> Its quiet difficult to explain, actually, and you should experiment with
> it. Here's a code snippet for you to start with (its just the media),
> you might want to place it in a sphere on a plane... :-)
> And then just fumble with the settings, and modify the code.
> //SubSurfaceScattering
> #local SSS=2;
> #local SSS_Color=<1,0,0>;
> #local Extra_Absorb=1.5;
> #local SSS_Media=
>   media{
>    scattering{2,vnormalize(SSS_Color)*SSS}
>    absorption (vnormalize(<1,1,1>-SSS_Color)*SSS+Extra_Absorb)
>    emission Extra_Absorb*vnormalize(SSS_Color)
>    density{rgb SSS_Cloud}
>    method 3 intervals 1 samples 10,30
>    }

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