POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Cube in different colors ? : Re: Cube in different colors ? Server Time
18 Feb 2025 16:58:52 EST (-0500)
  Re: Cube in different colors ?  
From: Ken
Date: 10 Sep 2002 21:43:06
Message: <3D7EA09E.DEC45C3E@pacbell.net>
Christopher James Huff wrote:

> I don't know if you meant this, but that last paragraph implies that a
> mesh box would be unuseable in CSG. If he uses inside_vector, it will be
> useable for CSG operations.

Works quite well actually :)


// Macro for creating a basic box object using triangles

#macro Box_Mesh(Vec1,Vec2)

#if (Vec1.x=Vec2.x | Vec1.y=Vec2.y | Vec1.z=Vec2.z) 

#debug "\n  MeshBox detected identical vector values.\n" #end

#local P1=<Vec1.x, Vec1.y, Vec1.z>;
#local P2=<Vec2.x, Vec1.y, Vec1.z>; 
#local P3=<Vec2.x, Vec1.y, Vec2.z>;
#local P4=<Vec1.x, Vec1.y, Vec2.z>;
#local P5=<Vec1.x, Vec2.y, Vec1.z>;
#local P6=<Vec2.x, Vec2.y, Vec1.z>;
#local P7=<Vec2.x, Vec2.y, Vec2.z>;
#local P8=<Vec1.x, Vec2.y, Vec2.z>;

mesh {
       triangle { P5, P1, P2 texture {T1} }
       triangle { P5, P6, P2 texture {T1} }
       triangle { P6, P2, P3 texture {T2} }
       triangle { P6, P7, P3 texture {T2} }
       triangle { P7, P3, P4 texture {T3} }
       triangle { P7, P8, P4 texture {T3} }
       triangle { P8, P4, P1 texture {T4} }
       triangle { P8, P5, P1 texture {T4} }
       triangle { P8, P5, P6 texture {T5} } 
       triangle { P8, P7, P6 texture {T5} }
       triangle { P4, P1, P2 texture {T6} } 
       triangle { P4, P3, P2 texture {T6} }

       inside_vector <0, 0, 1>


default { finish { ambient .4 diffuse .6 } }

#declare T1 = texture { pigment { rgb<1,0,0> }}
#declare T2 = texture { pigment { rgb<0,1,0> }}
#declare T3 = texture { pigment { rgb<0,0,1> }}
#declare T4 = texture { pigment { rgb<1,1,0> }}
#declare T5 = texture { pigment { rgb<1,0,1> }}
#declare T6 = texture { pigment { rgb<0,1,1> }}

// Usage

camera{location<-4,4,-4> look_at 0}

light_source{<-5,5,-5>rgb 1}


  Box_Mesh ( <-1,-1,-1>, <1,1,1> )
  cylinder { z*-1.1, z*1.1, .75 pigment { rgb 1 }}


Ken Tyler

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