Howdy all! :-D
Right now I'm building a mame cabinet in POV-Ray and all is going well
so far.
I have the actual cabinet all pieced together in POV-Ray, but now I'm
going into the detail of things by adding joystick/buttons/etc.
What I'm having a problem with is getting an image mapped onto one of
the buttons properly. I just can't figure it out, so I'm kindly asking
if you could help me complete this small annoyance so that I may
continue to finish this project. On a side note, my friend and I are
actually building a mame cabinet, I'm just doing this in POV-Ray for fun :-)
So anyways...
I am trying to map
onto the button as seen in this picture
Here is the code snipplet.
#declare button =
//base cylinder
cylinder{<0,0,0> <0,.5,0>,1.1 }
//rounded lower part of the button
sphere{<0,0,0>,1.2 }
box{<-5,.2,-5> <5,5,5>}
box{<-5,-5,-5> <5,0,5>}
translate .5*y
//The part of the button where finger is pushed on
cylinder{<0,.5,0> <0,1,0>,.9}
sphere{<0,2,0>,1.2 scale<1.1,1,1.1> }
//cutting a torus in half to make the round lip
torus{.8,.1 }
box{<-5,0,-5> <5,-5,5>}
translate 1*y
So where I have the cylinder being cut by the sphere (part where finger
is pushed on) I tried to map it there, but I couldn't figure out how to
make it show up correctly. Reading through the manual, very nicely done
for 3.5 by the way, I still couldn't get things working properly.
What I am trying to accomplish is getting that small player guy mapped
onto the button as to give it the appearance that it's been painted or
stickered on. While I do that, I'd prefer to keep the slightly dug out
rounded shape of the button.
This is a bit of a snag for me, and I'd appreciate the help you guys can
lend to me :-)
I can't wait for this project (both povray and real life) to be
completed. More so, I'd like to show it off when it's ready :-)
Thanks in advance :-)
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