POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Object Rotation : Object Rotation Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:40:21 EST (-0500)
  Object Rotation  
From: Les Patterson
Date: 31 Jan 2002 17:55:09
Message: <3C59E81B.1040701@txcyber.com>
There's something I don't understand about rotation.
In the case of an aircraft positioned at 0,0,0(facing camera) then X, 
and Z work fine, but rotate the aircraft to a right angle to the camera, 
0,-90,0 and then X & Z don't rotate as expected. I understand that this 
is a 360degree universe, but if that's the case then why wouldn't the 
rotational angles be the same regardless of which direction the aircraft 
is pointing?

What is a good solution for "dipping" the wing when rotated 0,-90,0? The 
only thing I've been able to do is change the angle of the nose of the 
plane with either X or Z rotation. I know there is probably a simple 
answer for this but it seems to escape me.

As always thanks for any help or info,

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