POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Animation Question : Re: Animation Question Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:34:05 EST (-0500)
  Re: Animation Question  
From: Les Patterson
Date: 30 Jan 2002 18:59:16
Message: <3C58A59F.3090608@txcyber.com>
  This is the file I plan to use;



Output_File_Path=C:\My Documents\PovAnimation



Will this work?

This animation will be an aircraft flying around in the scene, but so 
far I haven't been able to get the object rotation values to work right.

bob h wrote:

> "Les Patterson" <les### [at] txcybercom> wrote in message
> news:3C5### [at] txcybercom...
>> To John and TinCanMan,
>> Thanks for the help guys. Now I just have to work out the positions for
>> the different frames.
> Hopefully you're not making it out to be more difficult than it really is,
> or barring that not thinking more can be done from the INI file than can
> actually be.
> The most basic way of animating in POV-Ray is fairly straightforward once
> you have a INI with the keywords for Final_Clock=Number and
> Final_Frame=Number (frames are integer) in the file (or +kfNumber and
> +kffNumber on command line).  And of course a few other options possible
> too.
> The rest is all about using the 'clock' keyword in your scene file as a
> variable which is based on the number of frames (and Intitial_Clock,
> Final_Clock values if different from defaults of 0 to 1).  That way all you
> do is imagine it is a changing number going from start to finish that you
> can apply to other things within the scene.  You won't get differing prefix
> names, only a frame count.  The prefix defaults to the scene file being
> rendered, if you only specify a path otherwise it will take the filename you
> give as Output_File_Name=.  Like I am trying to clarify here, you cannot
> change that during animation unless you change the INI file prior to each
> successive render.
> Maybe I'm oversimplifying and going off the track of your question, just
> wanted to be sure.
> bob h

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