POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : Unconfirmed bugs : Re: Unconfirmed bugs Server Time
2 Nov 2024 07:25:42 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Unconfirmed bugs  
From: Tim Nikias
Date: 23 Dec 2001 20:04:39
Message: <3C267ED6.986E0ED0@gmx.de>
As for some uncomfirmed bugs (i'll be checking some of them, just so that
does it)...

Unsmooth smooth Hf shading:
The normal vectors for smooth-triangles (which is basically what a smooth
heightfield is
about) are probably not very useful when used with gaps and sudden
height-changes. I'd
expect that the algorithm for generating the smoothing-normals may have some
with that. I've seen it too, but I think, it's nothing, than can be really
considered as a bug.If
someone has the actual algorithm for the generation of smooth-heightfields
in an understandable
format, and it would be posted, one could try and look, if it's due to some
internally unscaled
vector or whatnot.

"No pigment type given" in blob
I think this has to do with consistency. If the blob itself has no pigment,
it simply doesn't have
any. You mustn't think a blob to be like a union, which does not need a
pigment. But a
blob is a typical "pigment-me" object. This should really be no bug, but a

More comments soon to come...


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