POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : Bug: Animation stops rendering : Bug: Animation stops rendering Server Time
2 Nov 2024 09:20:55 EDT (-0400)
  Bug: Animation stops rendering  
From: Tim Nikias
Date: 8 Dec 2001 20:20:53
Message: <3C12A46E.A0C253EB@gmx.de>
I can't find any comment on this one, so I'm posting it, in case it
wasn't mentioned before.
I've just recently downloaded POV-Ray3.5 Beta 8 for Windows,
own a 800MHZ Athlon, 340 MB RAM with Windows98.

The source is rather difficult to recreate (since it requires a particle

system of mine), but perhaps the following is sufficient:

I've changed the quickres.ini, so that I have a selection
with 320x240, 175 Frames, cyclic animation.
In the command-line option, I added +AM2 +A0.3 +R2, so that
the 175 frames are rendered with Antialiasing.
In the scene, there is a mesh (made up of six triangles) and a blox,
which has the new reflection on it (reflection{.1, .9 falloff 2

The thing that happens after some irregular amount of frames
(mostly somewhat between 5 and 20), it just stays stuck in a frame,
tracing something seemingly forever, though the frames normally required

only about 40 seconds tracing.
The timer in the lower right corner moves on, the PPS count drops slowly

with time, but the rendering line doesn't go on (stays fixed somewhere
the blob, not when it first hits it).

The effect somehow doesn't reproduce itself exactly, but I'll spend some

more time figuring that out.

Hope someone has a clue what the reason is!


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