POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : Headers in crater.pov and crater_dat.pov : Re: Headers in crater.pov and crater_dat.pov Server Time
6 Mar 2025 21:42:13 EST (-0500)
  Re: Headers in crater.pov and crater_dat.pov  
From: Christoph Hormann
Date: 12 Nov 2001 14:29:49
Message: <3BF0232D.B8F669E@gmx.de>
"Bob H." wrote:
> I think the confusion is because of the 16 bit hf_gray_16 being in reality a
> 24 bit image.  I never understood if the PNG output was done in a different
> way from the TGA, where it might also only use 16 bits of the whole.  When I
> check for colors used I see something like a 256 color image instead, for
> both PNG and TGA.
> Anyway, the usual way is to use default 24 bit output, or +fn or +ft.  If it
> were +fn16 you would get a 48 bit image.  Which BTW is mentioned in the Doc
> under Height Field as being a better grayscale image.  I've yet to see that
> to be true.
> That said, all I ever get is 8 bit output for PNG grayscale images.  And I
> don't think I have a viewer capable of seeing 48 bit images, they reduce to
> 24 in my image programs; either that or the output is always truncated.

I think it is starting to get confusing ;-)

With 'hf_gray_16' and +fn, Povray 3.5 in contrast to earlier versions is
supposed to generate 1 channel 16 bit output, but there is still a bug
leading to wrong byte order.  It is not possible to generate 8 bit
grayscale output right now.

Without 'hf_gray_16' you get 3 channel rgb output either 8 bit/channel
with +fn/+fn8 or 16bit/channel with +fn16.


Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmxde>
IsoWood include, radiosity tutorial, TransSkin and other 
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