POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : another strange photon behavior : Re: another strange photon behavior Server Time
18 Feb 2025 18:10:41 EST (-0500)
  Re: another strange photon behavior  
From: Dean
Date: 9 Nov 2001 14:20:51
Message: <3BEC2B3D.8F3CBBD8@twoalpha.net>
Below is an updated script that seems to work with your original settings.  I
added photons to the reflective sphere and also added caustics to the glass.
This made a nice picture as far as I can see.


#version 3.5;
#include "functions.inc"

#declare overallscale=10;
#declare cm=0.01*overallscale;
#declare m=1*overallscale;

        assumed_gamma 2
        max_trace_level 50
                count 10000 //jitter .3

        location <0,30,-50>*cm
        look_at <-3.5,6,0>*cm
        angle 30

        vnormalize(<2,2,-1>)*m*1 // multiply with .6, and the color will go
        color rgb <1,1,.95>*1
        spotlight point_at <0,10,0>*cm radius 0 falloff 15 tightness 20

#declare Floor=
                color rgb 1
                ambient 0
                reflection .2 // remove this -> black "holes" in caustics
will go away

#declare Sky=
                color rgb 1
        finish{ambient 1}

        translate y*(1*m)
                gradient y scale 2*m
                        [0.0 Floor]
                        [0.1 Floor]
                        [0.3 Sky]
                        [1.0 Sky]

        translate -y*0.01*cm
        //clipped_by{plane{y,.02*m }}
photons{target refraction on reflection on collect off}}  //added by Dean to
see if how it changes things


        < -0.5,  0.1>*cm,

        <  0.0,  0.1>*cm,
        <  4.0,  0.0>*cm,

        <  4.75, 0.5>*cm,

        <  4.0,  3.0>*cm,
        <  5.0,  10.0>*cm,
        <  5.0,  11.5>*cm,
        <  4.5,  10.0>*cm,

        <  3.2,  1.5>*cm,

        <  0.0,  1.5>*cm

        < -0.5,  1.5>*cm

        // avoid coicidence probs
        translate y*.1*cm

                color rgb <.99,1,.99>
                filter .9
                ior 1.5
                  caustics .5//added by Dean to see if how it changes things
        photons{target refraction on reflection on collect off}

Lutz-Peter Hooge wrote:

> Hi,
> There still seems to be a bug (or maybe two) in the (refractive) photons
> code.
> It accurs only in very special cases, and is dependent on the texture and
> shape of the object on wich the photons show up, on the position of the
> light_source, the color of the light source, and the color and
> filter/transmit of the refractive object (and maybe some other things i
> didn't notice).
> The symptoms are:
> a) bright colored caustics, but the color is not related to the color of
> light_source or photon target (of course, dispersion was not used).
> b) holes/circular black spots appear in the caustics.
> Here is a scene with shows the prob.
> I tried to eliminate everything that seems to have no effect on the bug.
> I'll also post a rendering of this scene in the beta-test.binaries group.
> #version 3.5;
> #include "functions.inc"
> #declare overallscale=10;
> #declare cm=0.01*overallscale;
> #declare m=1*overallscale;
> global_settings
> {
>         assumed_gamma 2
>         max_trace_level 50
>         photons
>         {
>                 count 10000 jitter .3
>         }
> }
> camera
> {
>         location <0,30,-50>*cm
>         look_at <-3.5,6,0>*cm
>         angle 30
> }
> light_source
> {
>         vnormalize(<2,2,-1>)*m*1 // multiply with .6, and the color will
> go away
>         color rgb <1,1,.95>*2
>         spotlight point_at <0,10,0>*cm radius 0 falloff 15 tightness 20
> }
> #declare Floor=
> texture
> {
>         pigment
>         {
>                 color rgb 1
>         }
>         finish
>         {
>                 ambient 0
>                 reflection .2 // remove this -> black "holes" in caustics
> will go away
>         }
> }
> #declare Sky=
> texture
> {
>         pigment
>         {
>                 color rgb 1
>         }
>         finish{ambient 1}
> }
> sphere
> {
>         0,1*m
>         translate y*(1*m)
>         texture
>         {
>                 gradient y scale 2*m
>                 texture_map
>                 {
>                         [0.0 Floor]
>                         [0.1 Floor]
>                         [0.3 Sky]
>                         [1.0 Sky]
>                 }
>         }
>         translate -y*0.01*cm
>         inverse
>         //clipped_by{plane{y,.02*m }}
> }
> lathe
> {
>         //linear_spline
>         cubic_spline
>         6+2+2+1,
>         < -0.5,  0.1>*cm,
>         <  0.0,  0.1>*cm,
>         <  4.0,  0.0>*cm,
>         <  4.75, 0.5>*cm,
>         <  4.0,  3.0>*cm,
>         <  5.0,  10.0>*cm,
>         <  5.0,  11.5>*cm,
>         <  4.5,  10.0>*cm,
>         <  3.2,  1.5>*cm,
>         <  0.0,  1.5>*cm
>         < -0.5,  1.5>*cm
>         // avoid coicidence probs
>         translate y*.1*cm
>         pigment
>         {
>                 color rgb <.99,1,.99>
>                 filter .9
>         }
>         interior
>         {
>                 ior 1.5
>         }
>         photons{target refraction on reflection on collect off}
> }

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