I can transfer an image_map to a radial pigment using pigment_map:
camera { location < -329,121.5 , 41.7> look_at < -600, 82.0 , 0.0> }
#declare Sky1 = pigment { image_map { png "sky6.png" interpolate 2 } }
#declare Sky2 = pigment { image_map { png "sky6b.png" interpolate 2 } }
sky_sphere {
pigment {
#if (IsTest)
rgb <0.1, 0.3, 0.8>
frequency 6
//turbulence 0.2
//lambda 1.4
pigment_map {
[ 0.00 Sky1 ]
[ 0.50 Sky2 ]
scale 0.5
I get the same mirror problem at the yz-plane as a normal planar map, shown by the
given camera. It's this mirroring of image_maps on sky_spheres that led me to use
map_type 1 in the first place. I need a method that has no mirrors and still gives
a clean sky image_maps. Turbulence is not the answer: the sky becomes surreal if I
use enough to hide the mirror effect.
Any ideas?
Batronyx wrote:
> For example, while image maps don't support the frequency keyword, they can be
> mapped into a radial pattern that does. Another option: declare the image map as a
> planar map and pass the appropriate parameters to a spherical_warp statement. This
> is the same as your tiling solution without the overhead of an image tiled in a
> paint program.
> You might also care to peruse the IRTC as I know there are at least two images
> that recently used imaged mapped skies with fairly stunning results. Perhaps
> comparing notes with their creators could lead to more satisfactory results for
> you.
> --
> --
> Batronyx ^"^
> bat### [at] cadronhsacom //old & going away
> bat### [at] alliancecablenet new & active now.
> http://www.batronyx.com
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